What we know about bitcoin is that it doesn't have a manager or owner . So who mange and own the bitcoin website bitcoin.org and Bitcoin twitter account which is verified @bitcoin .

Who own or Manage Bitcoin.org and twitter @bitcoin ?

This article is written for Crypto news .

Who owns Bitcoin.org website ?

According to the Bitcoin.org website page about us , they write that :

Who owns bitcoin.org ?

Satoshi Nakamoto and Martti Malmi

Bitcoin.org was originally registered and owned by Bitcoin's first two developers, Satoshi Nakamoto and Martti Malmi. When Nakamoto left the project, he gave ownership of the domain to additional people, separate from the Bitcoin developers, to spread responsibility and prevent any one person or group from easily gaining control over the Bitcoin project.

One of the things that i pay attention to it is that :

Bitcoin.org is not Bitcoin's official website. Just like nobody owns the email technology, nobody owns the Bitcoin network. As such, nobody can speak with authority in the name of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin.org administration

Bitcoin.org website first released in AUG 2008 .

Bitcoin.org, the popular Bitcoin educational resource that was first registered in August 2008, is set to change hands.

Bitcoin.org registration .

One of the information that i reached is that the original website which its url is bitcoin.org was first registered by the (namecheap) a company for domains and hosting websites .

Why namecheap accept bitcoin payment ?

Bitcoin.org was registered in Aug 2008 by namecheap .
Since Jul 2013 , namecheap has accepted Bitcoin payments .

 One of the the things that i find , is that Namecheap is the only company in this field that accepts the Bitcoin and other Crypto-currencies as a method for payment .

According to namecheap website , the company believes in the power and freedom of the internet so it started to accept bitcoin payments .

Who own bitcoin twitter account ?

You will find two accounts in twitter refer to bitcoin they are @bitcoin and @bitcoinnews in addition to @bitcoincoreproject and other accounts .

Twitter founder is interested in Bitcoin .

Twitter founder named @Jack is interested in Bitcoin and when you write Bitcoin in a Twitter , you will find the logo beside .

Importance of those accounts .

The website currently acts as an on-ramp to Bitcoin, which helps to evangelize the project and provide trustworthy resources for beginners.

Also these accounts acts in twitter .

For more Bitcoin news click here .